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CIBAC donated Epidemic Prevention and Control Materials to Shaoyang County, Hunan Province

January 2020:CIBAC Donated Epidemic Prevention and Control Materials to Shaoyang County, Hunan Province


CIBAC​​ (Toronto) has been allied with various business groups in Hunan Province, China, and has played a driving force for the exchange and interaction​​ with​​ the​​ local​​ Chambers​​ of Commerce. This time,​​ CIBAC​​ and the compatriots​​ in​​ mainland​​ China​​ fought an epidemic prevention and control battle​​ of quickly using our commercial channels to purchase masks. Because of the urgency medical supplies in Hunan Province, taking advantage of the alliance’s networking in Canada,​​ CIBAC​​ purchased​​ 20,000​​ medical face masks and transported​​ the batch​​ from Canada through China Southern Airlines as​​ quickly​​ as possible to​​ Changsha, Hunan Province.​​ This batch of masks has been donated to Shaoyang County and the County Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has distributed the masks to the medical staff in the frontline.


Posted: July 2, 2020
POSTED in 2020 Events

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