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Business Tour to Changsha in Fall 2018

Business​​ Tour​​ to Changsha in Fall 2018


The Chinese Investment and Business Alliance of Canada visited Changsha, China in the fall of 2018. Changsha is home to a population of 17 million, and also is the capital of the Hunan Province of China.


Through this visit, the directors and members of CIBAC have established many friends and developed relationship with local dealers, suppliers, logistics and related government departments to create and cultivate a better understanding of the recent development of China's business and consumer market.


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The delegation visited Hunan Gaoqiao International Commodity Exhibition and Trade Centre. Hunan Gaoqiao Grand Market was put into effect in September 1996. The market covers an area of ​​1,000 acres and has more than 6,000 merchants with an annual transaction value of more than 100 billion yuan. Gaoqiao International Commodity Exhibition and Trade Centre is an important project of economic and trade cooperation and exchange between Hunan Province and overseas. At present, the centre has 11 international commodity exhibition halls, with nearly 1,000 manufacturers from 45 countries.


The delegation visited Hunan Dahan Jinqiao Food Department which was built by Hunan Dahan Group, a top 500 Chinese company. Located as a transportation hub and bonded warehousing for both air and sea flight in Changsha, the mall strives to build the top-tier commodity distribution centre​​ and the first manufacturer's brand operation centre in the South Central part of the PRC China.


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The delegation visited Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Free Trade Zone. Changsha Huanghua Comprehensive Protection Zone was officially open on June 25, 2017. By the end of the year, more than 60 enterprises had been put in place into operation, and the total import and export trade business had reached 769 million US dollars. In 2018, the Huanghua Comprehensive Protection Zone focused on the leading role of the “designated port” in the country for imported chilled seafood products, medicines, and fruit in large volume to boost economic growth and performance.


Hunan Yunda Industrial Group​​ hosted a reception for​​ the CIBAC members​​ at​​ the​​ five-star St. Regis hotel. The delegation conducted​​ an​​ effective project​​ meeting​​ with Yunda Group and Zhihai Seafood and Hital​​ International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.,​​ to get​​ a deep understanding of the recent development of China's consumer market.


Posted: March 15, 2020
POSTED in 2018 Events

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