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2016 Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce

July 2016: CIBAC Signed Friendship Agreement with Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce


In July 2016, Ding Wen, the first vice president of Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce​​ leading a 10-member delegation​​ to​​ visit​​ Toronto, Canada.​​ During the past​​ few​​ years, CIBAC had conducted detailed marketing survey and visits in Changsha with great support from Changsha Federation of Industry and​​ Commerce. Therefore, President of​​ CIBAC, Johnny So concluded that​​ compared with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first-tier cities in China,​​ Changsha is a better city for​​ Canadian SMEs​​ to get into Chinese market.​​ Members of​​ Changsha​​ Federation of Industry and Commerce also​​ expressed great​​ interests​​ in​​ doing business with their Canadian counterparts.​​ To ensure future long-term effective cooperation, Ding Wen, on behalf of Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce​​ signed a friendship agreement with​​ CIBAC​​ in​​ Richmond Hill City Hall.




Posted: November 20, 2019

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